Easter 2024

Maggie and I went down to Paradise Valley for easter. Quite an expensive flight! But anyway – it was a lot of fun. The weather was absolutely ideal. Hot in the day, cool at night (Wed/Thurs night were freezing) and zero wind. Even rained on the Tuesday we left!

Maggie had loads of fun and was full of stories when we got back. Apparently equal best was kayaking, Kay’s pesto and the dunny run. She spend nearly every day in the water playing. We made the older kids do the big walk. Maggie did not like it – and had trouble watching where she was going. Ended up with quite a few scratches from the blackberry bushes.

Litchfield Trip

We went down to Litchfield for a single night. Stayed at Litchfield Tourist Park in a cabin, $270 a night but it was very nice and Eddie loved it. The first day we went to our picnic spot near Florence, there were people in the main area but otherwise it went okay. Eddie didn’t like it at first but was soon floating Maggie’s shoes down the stream (where I would catch them) with glee.

That night we went back and had a few beers and a dip in the pool before microwave lasagna. The kids were playing together and loving it.

The next morning after some lovely bacon and egg muffins we went to Buley Rockholes – Maggie’s favourite – so we could jump off. It was a great plan, by the time we left the younger crowd with their stocked eskies were arriving. The 9-1130 trip really went well. After a picnic (and Dad driving up and down while everyone slept) we went to Walker Creek. We tried for the walk but it was too far – however the picnic spot next to the bridge was amazing. It was Eddie’s favourite and I think it will become our favourite soon.