Edith falls and dehydration

We decided to go down and stay at Edith Falls, it was in the build up, but we had plenty of water, and an easy accessible swimming hole, so we figured we’d be right.

We arrived and set up then spent the rest of the day in the lower pool, was a lot of fun. I really wanted to do the bushwalk and see see pool, but the trip (from memory) was about 10km. We took plenty of water, so much it hurt my back and I was drinking it just to lighten the load. I got a little concerned that Claire wasn’t drinking enough, and tried to get her to take more. The swim was great (if a little spooky – I am sure it was safe but that upper pool just LOOKS like a croc’s natural home) and we walked back and did the middle pool. The middle pool really is the best one, it’s such a nice spot.

I am sure you can guess the end of the story, nearly as soon as we got back to camp Claire wasn’t feeling that well and wanted to lie down. Soon I had packed up and we were heading back, stopping regularly for her. It just goes to show that despite drinking 2-3 litres of water and a few diet cokes on that trip, you just cannot underestimate these conditions.

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